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Long exposurepro
Short exposureedu
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Bring motion in your pictures

Long exposure times

Camera settings:

Long exposure during daylight can result in over-exposed images: How to overcome this?

  • Low iso setting > Makes your camera sensor less sensitive to incident light. Additional advantage: low image noise.
  • Small aperture > By closing the diaphragm less light can reach the camera-sensor. Additional advantage: large depth-of-focus.
  • Neutral density filter > A neutral density filter on top of your camera-lens acts somewhat as 'sunglasses'. It blocks a part of the incident light.
  • Tripod > A tripod avoids image blur due to camera-shake. TIP: use the camera-timer in order to avoid any possible vibration due to triggering the shutter


  • Cascade photography - controlled motion-blur of water
  • Fire-art photography - e.g. integration/overlay of fireworks
  • Background motion blur - e.g. move together with the subject --> zero relative motion
  • Drawing with light
  • Low light conditions - e.g. night photography

Fix the motion

short exposure times

Shorten the exposure time can be usefull to avoid blurry images due to camera shake. However, by going to extremes it can also result to artistic pictures. It becomes interesting if one fix a fast moving scene which would be impossible to capture by the human eye.

Camera settings:

  • Use shutter priority (Tv) or manual (M) mode and set a short shutter time > the ability to freeze a moving object is determined by this setting.
  • Aperture > adjust the camera's aperture in order to achive the desired depth-of-focus.
  • Iso setting > you might want to increase the iso-settings a bit depending on the environmental lightning conditions and the selected shutterspeed and diaphragm.


  • Fast moving objects - e.g. animals in action
  • Water photgraphy - e.g. water drops
  • High speed photography - e.g. bursting water balloon
  • Sport photography

Opening the world of small things

Close-up photography

maecenas sapien feugiat ex purus

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