Camera settings:
Long exposure during daylight can result in over-exposed images: How to overcome this?
- Low iso setting > Makes your camera sensor less sensitive to incident light. Additional advantage: low image noise.
- Small aperture > By closing the diaphragm less light can reach the camera-sensor. Additional advantage: large depth-of-focus.
- Neutral density filter > A neutral density filter on top of your camera-lens acts somewhat as 'sunglasses'. It blocks a part of the incident light.
- Tripod > A tripod avoids image blur due to camera-shake. TIP: use the camera-timer in order to avoid any possible vibration due to triggering the shutter
- Cascade photography - controlled motion-blur of water
- Fire-art photography - e.g. integration/overlay of fireworks
- Background motion blur - e.g. move together with the subject --> zero relative motion
- Drawing with light
- Low light conditions - e.g. night photography